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Important Questions For D.pharm 2nd Year SUMMER- 2022 (Pharmacology & Toxicology)

Pharmacology & Toxicology (0813)

1. Answer the following:

a)Define the terms with Example-

           -Oral hypoglycaemic agents            -Antiemetic                     -Haematinics
           -Anti-hypertensive                           -Haemostatic                    -Antiarrhythmic agents
           -Chemotherapy                                 -Antiseptic                       -Vermicidal
           -Autocoids                                         -Plasma expanders          -Miotics
           -Fibrinolytics                                     -Analeptics                      -Expectorants
           -Diuretics                                           -Analgesics                     -Nasal Decongestants
           -Carminatives                                     -Antibiotics                     -Local anesthetics
            -Antifungals                                       -Anorexiants                   -Mydriatics
            -Purgatives                                        -Sympathomimetics         -Contraceptives
            -Narcotics                                         -Anthelmintic                   -Antacids
            -Tranquilizers                                    -Parasympatholytics         -Antidepressants
            -Antiasthmatics                                 -Thrombolytics                 -Emetics
            -Laxatives                                          -Synergism                       -Hypolipidaemic drugs
            -Anti- epilepticus                               -Therapeutic Index           -Anticonvulsants
             -Antidotes                                          -Antineoplastics               -Parasympatholytics
             -Pharmacokinetics                            -Antipsychotic                 -Disinfectants
             -Drug dependence                            -Hypolipidemics               -Narcotic analgesics

b) Mention The drug of choice in the following condition -

-Pernicious anaemia  -Vitamin B12, Folic acid
-Leukemia - 6 mercaptopurine / Chlorambucil / Busulfan
-Syphilis - Penicillin, tetracycline, doxycycline
-Glaucoma-Pilocarpine,carbachol,Timolol,Betaxalol, Acetazolamide, Glycerine ,Mannitol.
-Rheumatoid arthritis-Ibuprofen / Indomethacin / Paracetamol
-Candidiasis - Clotrimazole, Nystatin, fluconazole, Amphotericin B
-Atherosclerosis - Atorvastatin, Lovastatin, Gemfibrozil, Fenofibrate , Nicotinic acid, Ezetimibe etc.
-Skeletal muscle spasm - Chlorzoxazone, NSAIDs, Methocarbamol
-Leprosy - Dapsone (4-4 diamino diphenyl sulphone DDS)
-Depression -Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Phenelzine ,Fluoxetin
-Trichomoniasis- Metronidazole
-Angina pectoris- Glyceryl trinitrate, Isosorbide dinitrate
-Gonorrhoea- Ceftriaxone, Penicillin G, Sulpha drugs
-Congestive heart failure- Digoxin, amrinone,milrinone,ouabain.
-Gout- Diclofenac,piroxicam,colchicin,allopurinol. probenecid, corticosteroids,any other NSAIDs
-Insomnia - Diazepam, Benzodiazepins, Barbiturates
-Malaria- Quinine, Chloroquine, Primaquine, Pamaquine, Mepacrine
-Myasthenia gravis- Neostigmine, pyridostigmine
-Plague- Streptomycin, Tetracycline
-Pheochromocytoma- Phentolamine, Propranolol
-Bronchial asthma- Adrenaline , Salbutamol, Orciprenaline
-Arrythmia-  Quinidine, Procainamide
-Anaphylaxis-  Adrenaline, Diphenhydramine, Antihistaminic
-Amoebic dysentery- Emetine, metronidazole, tinidazole,chloroquine, diloxanide furoate,
-Round worm infection- Mebendazole, albendazole, piperazine, tetramizole
-Motion sickness- Hyoscine,Promethazine, Meclizine,Cyclizine
-Grandmal epilepsy- Pheyntoin sodium,Valproic acid, Phenobarbitone, Carbamazepine, Methoin
-Parkinson’s disease- Levodopa, Amantidine, Carbidopa, Bromocriptine,Benztropine
-Reynaud’s disease- Nifedipine,or other vasodilators
-Anxiety-Diazepam, Clonazepam, Meprobamate,
-Schizophrenia-Chlorpromazine,Clozapine, Olanzepine, Resperidone. Haloperidol
-Organophosphorus compounds poisoning- Pralidoxime (PAM) injection (cholinesterase regenerator) or Diacetyl Monooxime (DAM), Atropine sulphate injection

c) Mention Adverse effect of each of the following Drug-

-Streptomycin - Damage to auditory nerve(ototoxicity), Deafness, Intolerance
-Phenformin- Gastrointestinal upset, anorexia
-Propranolol - Postural Hypotension
-Morphine- Respiratory depression,Euphoria, Mental clouding,addiction
-Diphenhydramine - Blurred vision, dry mouth, sedation
-Penicillin - Anaphylactic shock
-Pheniramine maleate -Drowsiness/ bradycardia
-Chloramphenicol-  Bone marrow depression, Gray baby syndrome
-Quinine- Cinchonism, Tinnitus, Deafness, Black water fever
-Tetracycline- bones deformity, GI side effects ,hepatic dysfunction,teratogenicity
-Atropine- Tachycardia, photophobia, dry mouth, confusion, hallucination
-Frusemide- jaundice, ototoxicity, electrolyte imbalance,dehydration,dark urine
-Bromocriptine- insomnia, depression, loss of appetite, stomach pain, constipation
-Codeine- drowsiness, respiratory depression, euphoria
-Reserpine- weight gain, gastric ulceration,hypotension, severe mental depression, suicidal tendency
-Aspirin- Heart burn, gastric distress, nausea ,ulcers, bleeding
-Ethambutol- Muscular weakness, anaphylaxis, vision problems
-Phenobarbitone-Sedation/ hypnosis/ dizziness,/ respiratory depression Chyne strokes breathing/    nystagmus/ hangover

d)Mention Therapeutic use of each of the following drug-

-Mebendazole-As anthelmintic(in treatment of helminthiasis/worm infestation)
-Chlorsoxazone - As Muscle relaxant
-Chlorpromazine - In treatment of Schizophrenia (Antipsychotic)
-Griseofulvin-As antifungal (dermatophytic) (Used in fungal infections)
-Chlorpropamide- As Oral hypoglycemic
-Xylometazoline-As nasal decongestants (used to treat nasal congestion)
-Clotrimazole - As antifungal

e)Mention Dose of each of the following drug.

-Mebendazole- 100 mg twice daily for 3 consecutive days (oral)
-Ranitidine-150-300mg 1-2 times daily for 4-8 weeks
-Trinitroglycerine- 0.3- 0.6 mg every 8-12 hrs.(sublingual)
-Amphetamine-5 mg to 60 mg daily in divided doses
-Verapamil- 40 to 80 mg mg t.i.d
-Ibuprofen - 200mg to 400mg
-Streptomycin- 0.75-1 gm daily (I.M.)
-Levodopa- 2.5- 8gm daily in divided dose / 125 mg b.i.d. as initial dose
-Diazepam - 2-30mg daily in divided doses, 2-20mg IM/IV every 3-4hr.
-Paracetamol - 0.5g(500mg) to 1g orally every 4hr max 4g/day 
-Tetracycline - 1-2 g daily in 4 divided doses Oral 
-Cetrizine - 5 mg to 10 mg or 20 mg orally
-Furosemide - 20-80mg orally/20-4-mg
-Sulfamethaoxazole - 400 mg,800 mg orally
-Propranolol - 10 to 40 mg t.i.d
-Aspirin- 300-600mg
-Morphine hydrochloride- 8-20mg
-Castor oil- 5 to 15ml in early in the morning

f)Mention Route of administration of the following drug.

-Nitroglycerine-Sublingually/oral /parenteral /topical
-Griseofulvin- Oral
-Paraldehyde-Intramuscular, Rectal (enema), oral
-Sulphacetamide-Opthalmic, Topical,
-Nalorphin- I.V. / I.M/ parenteral.
-Insulin - Parenteral, SC, IM, IV
-Heparin- I.V/ parenteral.
-Thiopentone Sodium - I.V./ parenteral.
-Trinirtroglycerin- Sublingual
-Diclofenac- Oral, local, rectal, parenteral
-Morphine- Parenteral (SC, Intramuscular,)
-Phenytoin- oral, IV
-Nitrous oxide- inhalation in oxygen mixture
-Lignocaine- Topical,Injection
-Castor oil- oral
-Salbutamol- oral, inhalation.
-Cynocobalamin- IM, Oral, IV.
-Mannitol- Parenteral (IV )
-Diazepam- Oral /IV

g)Mention the Drug which produces following Effect-

-Hyperplasia of gums -Phenobarbital, Phenytoin
-Anaphylactic shock -Penicillin, Cephalosporins
-Extrapyramidal effect - Haloperidol and Fluphenazine,Chlorpromazine; Metoclopramide
-Black water fever - Quinine
-Systemic alkalosis -Sodium Bicarbonate, thiazide diuretics etc
-Postural hypotension - Propranolol,imipramine like TCAs,nitrates etc 
-Insomnia - Analeptics / CNS Stimulants / Caffeine / MAO Inhibitors
-Anorexia- Amphetamine
-Hypoglycemia- Insulin / oral hypoglycemic agents / Alcohol
-Emesis- Morphine / Apomorphine / Ipecacunha / Sodium chloride
-Teratogenecity - Tetracycline,Thalidomide, Cocaine, Alcohol, ACE Inhibitor
-Pin point pupil - Morphine
-Cinchonism - Quinine, quinidine
-Gray baby syndrome - Chloramphenicol
-Tinnitus - quinine, quinidine,aspirin
-Headache- Digitalis, NSAIDs, Griseofulvin, BAL, Mannitol, Nitroglycerin
-Photophobia- Atropine, Homatropine
-Euphoria- Morphine, Heroine, methadone, Codeine, hydrocodone
-Methaemoglobinaemia-  Aspirin, Paracetamol, Trimethoprim, Dapsone, Benzocaine, Aniline dyes
-Cumulation- Heavy metals like Arsenic, Mercury, Lead ; Antiepilepics like Phenobarbitone
-Paralysis of accommodation- Atropine
-Dryness of mouth- Atropine, Homatropine
-Ototoxicity- canamycin, gentamycin, neomycin, streptomycin,f urosemide, cisplatin
-Gray baby syndrome- Chloramphenicol
-Pheochromocytoma- catecholamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine
-Salicylism-  Aspirin, Sodium salicylate, Methyl salicylate,
-Deafness- Quinine, Streptomycin, Kanam
-Cycloplegia- Atropine, Homatropine
-Bone and teeth deformity- Tetracycline
-Thrombocytopenia- Sulpha drugs, Chloramphenicol
-Agranulocytosis- Sulpha drugs, Chloramphenicol, Procainamide
-Blood dyscrasias- Chloramphenicol, Quinine
-Osteoporosis- Corticosteroids like Beclomethazone, cortisone; Antacids like Cimetidine,ranitidine; --Anticovulsants like Carbamazepine,phenobarbiotne,phenytoin;

h)Write Antidote -

-Arsenic Poisoning- BAL / Dimercaprol
-Acute Belladona Poisoning- Physostigmin
-Organophosphorous compound poisoning- Atropine Sulphate / Pralidoxime
-Mercury Poisoning- BAL / Egg albumin,EDTA.
-Morphine- Naloxone, Nalorphine

i)Mention the Drug which is Contraindicated in following condition-

-Gastric bleeding - Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Heparin,Warfarin, Prednisone
-Oedema - Estradiol, NSAIDs, All steroids etc
-Hypokalemia- Diuretics, Chlorthiazide, Digitalis, Theophylline
-Insomnia - Amphetamine, caffeine
-Edema- NSAIDs like ,Ibuprofen, Prednisone, Corticosteroids,
-Constipation - Codeine, morphine
-Mysthenia Gravis - Streptomycin, Kanamycin
-Lactation- Anticancer drugs, Cyclosporine, Radiopharmaceuticals
-Pregnancy- Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol, Thalidomide, Morphine, Anticancer 
-Peptic ulcer- Ibuprofen, Aspirin, salicylates, Diclofenac 
-Head injury- Morphine
-Hyperacidity- Aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs
-Liver cirrhosis - Phenobarbitone sodium, Acetazolamide, Alcohol.
-Congestive cardiac failure- Quinidine
-Intestinal obstruction- Atropine / Morphine
-Renal failure- NSAIDS like Ibuprofen/ Aspirin / Digoxin

j)Explain Mechanism of action of -

-Mechanism of action of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 
-Mechanisms of drug absorption

l)Give Reason -

-Tetracycline is contraindicated in pregnant women and children.
-Acetylcholine is not used clinically
-Patients of atrial fibrillation are digitalized before giving quinidine.
-Toxicity of digitalis is increased by chlorthiazide
-In treatment of myasthenia gravis atropine is used along with neostigmine.
-Ephedrine preferred to atropine
-Sulponamides are not much in use nowadays
-Tincture of opium is used in diarrhoea
-Reserpine is never prescribed for immediate quietening of maniac patient.
-Thiouracil compounds should be cautiously given to pregnant or lactating women
-During the treatment of epilepsy, drugs should be withdrawn gradually.
-Antibiotic treatment is sometimes combined with lactobacillus preparation.
-Quinine should be cautiously used in pharmacotherapeutics.
-Atropine is used as preanaesthetic agent.
-Aluminiumhydroxide & magnesium hydroxide antacids are given in combination.
-Antitubercular drugs are given in combination/Multidrug therapy is effective in the treatment of T.B.
-Water is called physiological diuretic.
-Adrenaline is present in the emergency kit of physician.
-Neostigmine is used along with Atropine in myasthenia gravis.
-Sulphonamide is not given to patients, in treatment of pus .
-Aspirin is administered after food.
-Levodopa is combined with Carbidopa in treatment of Parkinsonism.
-Digitalis glycosides are called cardiotonics. 
-Why adrenaline added to local anaesthetics..
-Sulfa combinations are preferred over single sulfa drug .
-Atropine produces photophobia.
-Tetracyclines are not used in small children
-Penicillin is a life saving as well as life threatening drug
-Streptomycin is not used orally
-Why insulin is not given orally.
-Ephedrine is used as mydriatic in elderly people.
-Combination of atropine and ether is used for general anesthesia.
-Cheese and butter is contraindicated during MAO inhibitor therapy
-Chloramphenicol therapy is supplemented with iron preparations
-It is important to complete the course of antibiotics.

m)Give the Differences between-

-Drug habituation and Drug addiction.
-Tolerance & Tachyphylaxis
-Competitive and non-competitive antagonism.
-Drug addiction & Drug habituation
-Pethidine & Morphine

2.Answer the following Questions -

-Define Pharmacodynamics. Explain different mechanisms of drug action.
-Write symptoms and treatment of belladona poisoning?
-Explain plasma protein binding of drugs and give its significance.
-Write the factors modifying drug absorption and explain any two of them ?
-Define excretion. Write different routes of excretion of drug with at least two examples of each?
-Classify various routes of administration of dug. Give advantages and disadvantages of oral route.
-Classify oral hypoglycemic with examples. Give Mechanism of action of metformin.
-Define drug metabolism. Explain first pass effect.
-Give advantages and disadvantages of intramuscular route of drug administration & inhalation route.
-Mention different stages of General Anaesthesia.Explain properties of an ideal General Anaesthetic.
-What is Helminthiasis? Why Piperazine is supplemented with purgatives?
-Write the symptoms and treatment of morphine poisoning?
-What are the symptoms and treatment of organphosphorus poisoining.
-Give symptoms & treatment of belladonna poisoning
-Define Sedatives and Hypnotics.  Classify them?
-What is an ‘antidote’? Give symptoms & treatment of Arsenic poisoning.
-Explain the cause, symptoms and treatment for barbiturate poisoning.
-Give symptoms and treatment for organophosphorus compound poisoning
-Classify NSAIDs with one example each. Give treatment for salicylate poisoning.  OR Classify non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, mention therapeutic uses of Aspirin.
-Explain pharmacological actions of adrenaline.
-Describe action of acetylcholine on eyes, skeletal muscle and Heart

3.Answer the following:

Write a note on plasma expanders .
Define drug tolerance. Describe different types of drug tolerance. 
What is absorption? Explain active transport process of absorption.
What is drug antagonism? Explain pharmacological antagonism with suitable examples.
Define analgesics and antipyretics. Explain why aspirin is not used in patient with peptic ulcer.
Define local anaesthetics. Write methods of producing local anaesthesia.State its ideal properties.
Define anti-parkinsonian drugs. Write the mechanism of action of Levodopa.
What are β-blockers?Give their classification with examples.
Write a note on ‘Autocoids, and explain “Triple response of Histamine”.
Name the insulin preparations and Give side effects of insulin.
Discuss mode of action & therapeutic uses of sympatholytics.
Explain the term bioavailability of drug and mention factor affecting the same.
Define Cardiotonics. Explain the action of digitalis in CCF.

4.Answer the following:

Classify purgatives with examples. Give mechanism of action of castor oil as purgative.
What is status asthmaticus? Give its treatment.
Define and give two examples of Anthelmintic. Why purgatives are administered with Anthelmintic.
Write mechanism of action & therapeutic uses of penicillin.
Classify anticancer drugs with examples.OR Mention different type of tumors. How cancer is treated in different ways?
Give the symptoms and treatment for atropine poisoning.
Define Receptor. Give significance of plasma protein binding of drugs.
Define Haematinics. Classify haematinics with suitable examples
Define Diarrhoea. Classify antidiarrheal drugs. Mention their mechanism of action.
Classify Parasympathomimetics with examples of each class.

5.Answer the following:

Define Diuretics. Why diuretics are used along with anti-hypertensive drugs.
Describe mechanism of action & give therapeutic uses of Digitalis
Define oral contraceptives. Explain different types of oral contraceptives.
Define & classify antineoplastic/cytotoxic drugs with examples.
What are anticoagulants? Classify them. Give mechanism of action of Warfarin Sodium.
Define drug interaction. Explain drug interaction during pharmacokinetic & pharmacodynamics.
Which drug is called Largactil and Why?or Define tranquilizers. Why is chlorpromazine known as largactil ?
What is the importance of pre- anaesthetic medication? Explain with suitable examples.
Classify diuretics with examples .
Define and classify epilepsy. Give treatment of Status epilepticus

6.Answer the following:

Mention different stages of general anaesthesia. Explain Surgical anaesthesia in details.
Explain Dale’s vasomotor reversal phenomenon in detail.
Define and classify antihypertensive with examples ?
Define & classify anti-hypertensive drugs with examples. Give the uses of propranolol.
Classify sulphonamides. Explain by what mechanism Trimethoprim potentiates the effects of sulphonamides.
Explain muscarinic actions of acetylcholine in detail.
What are hypoglycemics? Give the Differences between sulphonyl urea derivatives & biguanides.
What are broad spectrum antibiotics? Mention two therapeutic uses and two adverse effects of any one broad spectrum antibiotics.? 
Write the pharmacological actions of quinine

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